Buy 1cP-LSD 100mcg Blotters online
What is 1cP-LSD?
1cP-LSD 100 mcg ist ein Analogon und vermutlich ein Prodrug von LSD. Das heißt, wenn 1cP-LSD eingenommen wird, reagiert es vermutlich mit Enzymen im Körper und wird zu LSD verstoffwechselt.
For more information, please read our 1cP-LSD Ultimate Guide.
What is a product?
Ein Prodrug ist eine biologisch inaktive Verbindung, die erst dann aktiv wird, wenn sie vom Körper verstoffwechselt wurde. Einige Prodrugs werden vom Körper leichter abgebaut (metabolisiert) als andere. Das bedeutet, dass die Zeit, die ein Prodrug benötigt, um seine Wirkung zu entfalten, abhängig von der molekularen Struktur der Verbindung variieren kann. Beispielsweise wird 1cP-LSD 100 mcg leichter verstoffwechselt als 1P-LSD, weshalb im Allgemeinen berichtet wird, dass es seine Wirkung schneller entfaltet. Chemsman
Welche Auswirkungen hat 1cP-LSD?
As with all psychedelics, subjective experiences can vary depending on many different factors, not least of which is the chemical itself. As such, opinions vary on the similarities and differences between 1cP-LSD and LSD-25. While some people report subtle but noticeable differences between the two, most agree that the effects are very similar and, for some - or many - indistinguishable. 1cP-LSD 100mcg Blotters Kuafen,
The most commonly reported effects of 1cP-LSD include:
Laughter/increased sense of humor
Spontaneous body sensations
Physical euphoria
Touch improvement
Improve body control
Difficulty urinating
Excessive yawning
Appetite suppression
The muscle contraction
Muscle cramps
Pupil dilation
Increased salivation
Vasoconstriction – Vasoconstriction can cause a feeling of coldness, especially in the extremities.
For more information on 1cP-LSD, see our article here.
1cP-LSD is legal in some countries, in others it is in a “grey area” and is completely illegal for some unfortunate members of the earth.
It is definitely illegal to buy 1cP-LSD in:
Great Britain
However, this list does not claim to be exhaustive. Therefore, please inform yourself about the legal situation in your country before ordering! We cannot be held liable if a customer orders a substance that is illegal in their country. Therefore, please pay close attention to your government's guidelines on research chemicals.
Responsible research with 1cP-LSD:
Always conduct responsible research. You should read the information and educate yourself before doing research with any chemical. The Psychonaut Wiki has some very helpful resources and information on 1cP-LSD. Never conduct research with any chemical without learning about it first.
All our chemicals are intended for research and analytical purposes only and are not intended for human consumption.
Like all our products, our 1cP-LSD has been tested by an independent laboratory here in the Netherlands.
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