Buy O-DSMT online
O-desmethyltramadol online (also known as O-DSMT and desmetramadol) is an active metabolite of tramadol and should only be used for research purposes.
Effects O-DSMT
Duration of effect and dosage O-DSMT
Über die Einnahme von O-DSMT gibt es nur wenige gesicherte Erkenntnisse. Aus den vorhandenen Berichten geht hervor, dass die Wirkungsdauer zwischen 3 und 4 Stunden beträgt. Das Aufwachen kann manchmal eine Stunde dauern. Seien Sie also vorsichtig mit der Dosierung!
ATTENTION: O-DSMT is a very potent substance, do not combine with benzodiazepines, antidepressants & alcohol when testing! Chemsman
Hazard information about O-DSMT:
May cause respiratory and eye irritation. Never discharge RCs into the environment.
Safety recommendations O-DSMT:
If in eyes: rinse thoroughly with water for at least 10 to 15 minutes, removing contact lenses if necessary. If in skin contact: rinse with water, if possible also with soap. If inhaled: supply fresh air and assume breathing position.
Do not bring into contact with heat sources. Store in a dry environment at room temperature and in a well-closed container and keep out of reach of children. Good stability of the blotters under the above conditions can last up to 2 years. For more information, please contact us.
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